06 December 2008

Do you have the courage to defend Christian marriage?

Joanna Bogle wonders why British Catholics are too afraid to speak up for holy matrimony

5 December 2008, The Catholic Herald.

If, at any time during our country's long history, you had been invited into a school or youth group to give a talk on marriage, and began with the words, "Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, establishing a new family", you would have been regarded as making a statement of the blindingly obvious. Not any more. It's now regarded as a rather daring and controversial statement, possibly acceptable in a guest speaker but probably to be followed up with some caveats on the part of the teacher.

Read the full article .

Joanna Bogle has her own blog, Auntie Joanna Writes.

1 comment:

  1. I must publicise this more..a bit snowed under..oh without the snow!
