The photos are all from Diana's blog.
Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life.
Message from website of Priests for Life.
Dear Friends,
I am delighted to welcome you to the Priests for Life website.
As one of 35,000 people who visit this site every day, you will soon discover that Priests for Life provides assistance not only to priests, but to everyone who is interested in advancing the cause of the protection of human life.
We focus on abortion as our specific practical concern, but you will also find information on euthanasia, the other key area of our focus, and on related topics such as capital punishment and contraception. We hold to the Consistent Ethic of Life of life. As the late Cardinal Bernardin clearly taught, the consistent ethic means that when we make progress on one front in the defense of human life, all the others benefit as well. It does not mean, however, that everyone has to (or can) do everything.
Thanks to the ease of the latest web-authoring software, I am able to make it a personal task each day to update this website. I do so with your needs in mind, and therefore appreciate hearing from you. You will find my daily additions listed in one place.
The website is very large and is being constantly expanded and improved. We therefore invite you to return frequently and to refer your colleagues and friends to it. If something you need today is not available, it may well be there tomorrow!
We also maintain a website for deacons at http://www.deaconsforlife.org/, as well as one for youth and those who minister to them, at http://www.abortionaborted.org/.
Be assured of my daily prayers for all who visit us, whether they agree with us on abortion or not.

Father Don graduated from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in April 2006 and was ordainedfor the Archdiocese of Detroit on June 3 rd of the same year. He obtained his B.A. degree inPhilosophy in the Philippines where he grew up and did his theological studies in Brazil.He began his first parish assignment at St. Lawrence on July 1 st, 2006. The Associate Pastorexercises a level of responsibility as designated by the Pastor for the spiritual, liturgical, social,formative, educational and administrative aspects of parish life.

Thanks for posting this Fr..
Thank you Father, for posting. It has been my hope that this will get the publicity it deserves via the blogosphere and other resources.
Here in the US, we are noticing that the average age of pro-lifers is younger all the time. These kids are smart, they see the graphic images online and know that it is not "tissue" which is being aborted, but a human being. It is very heartwarming to see them involved.
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